Akismet is a very popular plugin developed by Automattic, the company behind WordPress. As of 2016, Akismet has more than 40 million active installations and protects more than 100 million websites. In this article, we’ll be reviewing Akismet in-depth to see if it’s worth installing on your WordPress site. We’ll cover everything from its features to installation and usage instructions so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not you should use Akismet on your website!
The Akismet Plugin is one of the best plugins ever developed by WordPress. It helps to protect your website from spammers and bots.
It’s a good idea to use Akismet on every WordPress site. It’s free, it’s easy to install and set up, and it’s even easier for beginners to use.
It has a great reputation among users who are looking for an anti-spam plugin that works well with their website or blog. The fact that this plugin has received over 2 million positive reviews makes it one of the best plugins ever developed by WordPress.
Akismet is a free plugin, however, you can pay a small monthly fee to upgrade to the premium version which gives you access to some additional features.
Akismet is a free plugin, however, you can pay a small monthly fee to upgrade to the premium version which gives you access to some additional features. For example, with the premium version you can use Akismet on more sites than just one and it also gives you access to spam statistics and allows you to create an API key for integration with other applications.
The cost of upgrading is only $1 per month so it’s not too much money but I wouldn’t recommend doing so unless you need those extra features or want peace of mind knowing that your website won’t get flagged as spam by Google or other search engines because someone else has used their API key on your site before (it happens).
This plugin has been around since 2007 and it has had over 20 million active installs.
Akismet is a WordPress plugin that has been around since 2007 and it has had over 20 million active installs.
This is important because it shows how popular this plugin is, which means that there are a lot of people using it, so you can trust that it will work well for your site.
You will be able to get rid of 95% of all spam comments on your site once you install this plugin.
Akismet is a spam-fighting WordPress plugin that comes with every installation of WordPress. It is free, but you can pay a small monthly fee to upgrade to the premium version which gives you access to some additional features. This plugin has been around since 2007 and it has had over 20 million active installs.
This plugin has been around for quite some time now and still remains one of the most popular plugins on the web because it works so well at getting rid of comments. Spammy content like links or advertisements for other sites, etc., which are usually posted by bots trying to increase their search engine rankings through backlinks from your website or forum posts where they reside as “guest” posters (who may not even be human beings).
If you have a WordPress website that gets lots of comments, this plugin is for you!
If you have a WordPress website that gets lots of comments, this plugin is for you!
To install the plugin: Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress admin panel and search for “Akismet”. Click on “Install Now” and then Activate it by going to Plugins > Installed Plugins. The following screen will appear if everything went well:
To activate the plugin: Go to Settings > Akismet API Key (under General) and paste your API key from https://www.akismet.com/signup into this field at the top of this page (make sure it’s not an old one). You can find more information about how to get an API key here: https://akismet.com/howto/getting-started/.